As indicated by FSS (Food Safety and Standards Licensing or the Registration of Food Businesses) Regulations, 2009, individuals planning on starting or continue any food business have to go along with the rules relating to the FSSAI. They have to drop in a proper application for the same and have it addressed to the correct office and officer and pay the fees under Article 31 of the FSS Act, 2006.
If an establishment is going through the Food Licence registration through the FSSAI, there are three different types of processes; basic registration, state registration, and central registration. While completing the FSSAI registration procedure, the food business operator needs to provide a few documents. These are standard across all three categories, but there are a few differences. Applicants do not need all these documents when going through the basic registration process, but having them ready is never a bad thing.
It is mandatory for shops or business establishments dealing with food to register under the FSSAI rules. Other than providing the right amount of documentation and certification, they have to provide additional information relating to inspections and other details. The office sends an inspector to the premises to make sure the establishment is going through and meeting the requirements.
If there are issues during these inspections, the authorities can withhold licences until they sort them out. After providing the Food licence, there are mandatory inspections conducted to make sure the establishment is meeting the requirement and failing while holding a registration number, could lead to fines and penalties. Depending on the gravity of the situation, business owners could end up with penalties of up to 10 lacs and having their licences revoked.
If they feel they are being put through the process while not doing anything wrong, they can always mention that and discuss the issue in court. There is a system to make sure companies are following the right rules and not being misused.
Food License is an absolute necessity and is mandatory for each food business in Chhattisgarh. There are multiple online food license registration consultants to assist with completing the procedure with hassle-free service.